About Us


Portrait of Anita

Interviewing used to be an incredibly stressful and nerve-wracking experience for me. Especially when first trying to “grind” through coding questions, solutions never came intuitively and sometimes the ideas didn’t stick even after walking through solutions. I’d feel defeated yet forced myself to continue practicing. Still, even after much practice, interviewing was very intimidating.

Fast forward to today, I’ve had the privilege of experiencing many interviews from both sides for over four years - as the interviewee and interviewer. I’ve worked at or received offers from FAANG giants like Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.

In my view, interviewing is one of the most life-changing opportunities you can get, even for seasoned engineers. I built InterviewCrunch because I knew I could make interview problems make sense, and help others overcome the same hurdles I went through.


Portrait of Andrew

I’m an algorithm enthusiast. In college I was a competitive programmer who competed in the international Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). I’ve worked at or received offers from Amazon, Google, Nvidia, EA, Goldman Sachs, and Bridgewater Associates. Currently I'm working as a Senior Software Engineer II at a fintech startup.

As a senior interviewer, I’ve interviewed over 200 potential candidates over the past 5 years. It's important to not only know the questions themselves, but also know what the interviewer is looking for. I want to help create a platform to make learning how to interview easy. I'll be giving a lot of tips on not just the algorithm but the interview itself. I know that interviewing can be daunting and difficult, but it doesn't have to be.