Trees and graphs are similar in that they both consist of nodes and edges. A tree is in fact a more restrictive version of an unweighted directed graph . Trees have some additional properties that make them unique:
- All trees have a single root node with no parent nodes.
- Trees do not contain cycles.
- Every node (besides the root node) has exactly one parent.
The root is at level 0. The deeper the tree, the higher the level:
Examples of questions that we could use trees to solve are:
- What's the height of a given tree?
- Are these two given trees identical?
- Does a certain value exist in a given tree?
Most tree questions will provide you a tree.
We'll still go over how to build one for completeness though.
Binary Tree
The simplest (and most common) type of tree used in coding interviews is the binary tree, which is a tree with at most two children per node.
To create a binary tree, we'll first define a class for its nodes. Each node contains a value, and can have a left child node or right child node:
class Node:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.left = None
self.right = None
# Create our simple mini tree.
root = Node(5)
root.left = Node(8)
We use the __init__
function to initialize the node value during construction.
Using the Node
class, let's create the following binary tree:
Check if a value is in a tree
O(n)To find a value in a tree, we use a graph traversal algorithm like depth-first search (DFS) or breadth-first search (BFS). DFS is generally easier to understand and implement, but BFS is necessary if the question revolves around levels.
Binary Search Trees
A binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree that satisfies the following properties:
- The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with values less than the current node's value.
- The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with values greater than the current node's value.
- Both the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees
Though the data structure of a BST is the same as binary tree, for a BST we need to make sure every node added is in the correct place.
Check if a value is in the tree
O(log(n))The main advantage of a BST is that it allows for fast lookup, addition, and removal of items. On average, the time complexity for these operations is O(log(n))
Non-Binary Trees
Trees that have more than two children per node are called non-binary trees. These are less common than binary trees, but they are still used in some questions.
To create a non-binary tree, we can use the same Node
class as before, but instead of having two children, we use a list to store the children.
class Node:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.children = []
Let's see an example of how to create the following binary tree:
Check if a value is in the tree
O(n)Same as a binary tree, we can find a node in a binary search tree using a traversal algorithm.
Graph Based Trees
A tree is basically a graph with more restrictions - it has no cycles and all nodes are connected. Hence we could build a tree the same way as how we build a graph.
A trie (pronounced "try") has a similar structure to a non-binary tree, but the key differences are
- The root node always represents an empty string.
- Its purpose is to store words in a way that makes searching for them very fast.
A majority of trie related questions focus on prefix tries. Specialized tries and use cases (e.g., suffix tries, compressed tries) are rarely asked, so we will not cover them.
Here's an example trie which contains ['cat', 'car', 'cart', 'do']
Build a trie
O(# words * length of each word)Our preferred way to design tries is storing characters in the edges while nodes store booleans.
True indicates that the node is the end of a word. (Example: We want to know that "app" is a word, but "appl" is not.)
Here's an example of a trie with: ['apple', 'app', 'apply', 'bass', 'band']
We can define each trie node to have:
- A dictionary
where each key is the next letter, and the value is the corresponding child node for that letter. - A boolean
which indicates if the node is the last letter in a word.
class TrieNode:
def __init__(self, is_word: bool):
self.children =
self.is_word = is_word
Using the TrieNode
class, let's create the above trie:
Check if a word is in a trie
O(length(word))To find a word in a trie, we traverse it character by character. If we reach the last character of the word and its corresponding node is marked as the end of a word, the word exists in the trie.
Thank you!